Bilgi, who is known by his artist name Dezabel, began his musical journey at The Academy of Contemporary Music (ACM) in the 1990’s. He ended up gaining even more expertise studying at Berklee College of Music working on the subjects of professional songwriting and music production, getting to collaborate with artists from around the world, especially the United Kingdom and United States.
Bilgi (Dezabel) answered some of our questions about his background and inspiration behind his latest single ‘Tattooed’, which is out now on Spotify and YouTube.
Could you describe your music for those who may be unfamiliar with it?
My music often is a fusion of pop, R&B, jazz and film scores and I think that makes it something unique. I don’t like to be categorized as I write music out of my emotion and not based on what I like or is currently in vogue. My lyrics describe situations that I feel all my listeners went through, I’m not a fan of generic lyrics.
I want people to connect with my music, not just listen to it passively. This is why my lyrics are carefully written to be relatable to everyday people and situations.
I’ve been loving your latest release “Tattooed”. Were there any particular ideas or themes that inspired you while writing the single?
My father passed away in August 2017. It was a shock, as this happened very surprisingly. Father left a big gap in my life. I tried to cope with the grief by writing a song for him, but I was so self-critical that I never felt it was ready to be released. Sadly, my mother died in March this year. Although we had a very strong relationship, it wasn’t such a shock. After dad’s death I spent a lot of time with her so that many unspoken words, where told over time. This is the key message of my song “Tattooed”. The grief is stronger if one feels that many questions weren’t ask or words unspoken until it is too late.
One of the messages I want people to take away from the song is that you should always maintain a strong connection with your parents and cherish every moment you get with them.
In memory to your mom and dad, what are your best childhood memories of your parents?
There are so many great memories, I don’t know where to begin. I was the only child and therefore I was treated like a little prince. Nevertheless, I realized after losing my parents the key message they taught me; respect your fellow human beings and be generous, not selfish.
What’s the hardest thing for you about writing a song?
It was all about not preaching. I hate to do that. Finding the right words in such a situation was pretty difficult for me without sounding sorry for myself.
It’s hard to write about the loss of parents without expressing those feelings, so I tried hard to make sure the message shines through the lyrics.
What is the message you want to share with your “When it comes to you” single?
Today, many of us communicate using digital social media, even intimate things. Physical presence has lost a lot of its importance, but it is essential for a solid relationship. So, it’s about having a home, feeling understood and trusted.
What are your long-term goals and what can fans expect from you in the future?
As every musician I dream of making a living from music. My goal is to get airplay on radio stations and make sure my music gets a chance to be heard by as many people as possible.
How are you holding up under the current quarantine conditions? Any tips for our readers on how to stay sane?
I’m very grateful that I life in a beautiful little village near Zurich. The forest is a few hundred feet away. I enjoy mother nature more than I did before the lock-down. During my long walks with my dog I spend a lot of time thinking about things I didn’t find the time to think about.
Thank you Dezabel for your time!
You can follow up Dezabel at
Listing to his music at Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Tidal, Google Music, Google Play, Soundlaud and Amazon here:
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